To ensure active engagement and empowerment of agricultural and IPM stakeholders in EU, as well as citizens and civic society actors, partners have formed the virtual NextGenBioPest Innovation Hub (IH).
The virtual Hub’s specialized workshops on suggested IPM practices and novel tools, job openings, online demonstration and pedagogic exercises and funding opportunities seminars are available to all its registered members, including young researchers and entrepreneurs, with special emphasis on women and vulnerable groups. Participants of any sociocultural background can enter a lifelong learning process on the novel biopesticides and sustainable IPM practices and be informed and educated on the challenges and importance of establishing fair, healthy and environment-friendly farming and food systems.

The Hub facilitates the collaboration between stakeholders from Europe organizing clustering activities with relevant research projects and initiatives, while encouraging the exchange of knowledge, data and best practices. Strong cooperation is foreseen to be built with initiatives as JRC, EIT Food, EFSA, EPPO, ECDC etc. Synergies with local farming / IPM associations and environmental / food safety authorities also give benefits from the market penetration point of view, increasing the chance of technology uptake.
The virtual IH also includes a showcase of success stories in EU, describing how they’ve managed to produce sufficient, safe, nutritious, sustainable food for all by decreasing the use of harmful pesticides in local farming systems. The Hub is open to external IPM SMEs, innovators and researchers, who would like to be part of it, exchanging ideas, knowledge and data on the development of novel biopesticides. Experiences and new solutions among young entrepreneurs are shared, further enhancing innovation capacity in plant protection.